Pinkwashing Breast Cancer–Daniele Farrisi, MPH

Facebook has not only connected me to friends, family and former students, but it has also connected me to friends of other friends. When I first moved to NOLA four years ago, a good Peace Corps friend, Mary, suggested I ‘friend’ her friend Daniele here in New Orleans. I did, and have been intrigued by Daniele’s take on New Orleans, public health and other topics ever since. Today, she posted on breast cancer and pinkwashing–which of course caught my eye.

Here is the link to her post Pinkwashing Breast Cancer in Propaganda New Orleans.

Definitely worth the read.

6 thoughts on “Pinkwashing Breast Cancer–Daniele Farrisi, MPH

  1. Yep, worth the read…she went off on the NFL! Did you write her to tell her about the tiny little 5% donated from their “fushia” products???


  2. Pingback: Weekly Round Up | Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer

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